Our Programs

Innovations Program

Teaching skills to enhance independence...


The Adult Developmental Program focuses on developing skills...

Industrial Services

Develops self-sufficiency and community inclusion...

Allied Services

Chatham County Schools sponsors individuals to attend Chatham Trades for part of one semester during the individual’s last year of high school.  This aids in transitioning from school to work.

Referral Services

Chatham Trades staff members assist individuals with obtaining services from other community agencies to meet their medical, social, financial, educational and recreational needs.

Project Spark

The North Carolina Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (NCSWTCIE) grant award, known as Project Spark, aims to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in achieving Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). Funded by a $13.8 million federal grant, this initiative seeks to transition 300 individuals from subminimum wage employment to meaningful, community-based jobs where they earn at least minimum wage and receive the same benefits as their peers without disabilities. Project Spark emphasizes skill-building, independence, and community integration. Chatham Trades in Siler City is proud to be a pilot site, actively training Spark Teams to provide these transformative services. 

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Chatham Trades, Inc.
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